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Using a WiFi Shield with Arduino

The WiFi Shield allows the Arduino card to connect to the internet via a wireless LAN. It integrates an SD card reader that allows to store data or a web page to drive the Arduino.
The basis for creating connected objects is to connect them to a network such as the WiFi network.


How does a Wi-Fi Shield work?

The WiFi network is a radio network that works on the 2.45 GHz and 5 GHz frequencies. The Shield has a WiFi chip, like the one that can be found in computers, that can connect to a network.


The Wifi shield mounts directly on the Arduino card and uses the SPI bus to communicate with the WiFI and SD card. Pin 10 is used to select the WiFi controller, pin 7 as handshake between the Arduino and WiFi; and pin 4 to select the SD card module.
In summary, the pins used are:

Management code of a Wifi Shield

To communicate on the network, we need to use a special protocol. This protocol is integrated in all libraries related to WiFi communication.

To interact with the Shield Wifi, we use the WiFi.h library whose functions to know are the following:

#include <WiFi.h>//

String request ;
unsigned long refreshCounter  = 0;
int status  = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
char ssid[]  = "****************";
char password[]  = "****************";

WiFiServer server(80);
WiFiClient client;

void setup() {
  //Init Serial USB
  Serial.println(F("Initialize System"));
  //Init WifiShield

  // Connect to Wifi network.
  while (status != WL_CONNECTED)
    Serial.print("Connecting to Network named: "); Serial.println(ssid);
    status = WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
  Serial.println(F("WifiShield initialized"));
  Serial.print(F("IP Address: "));

void loop() {
  client = server.available();

void clientRequest( ) { /* function clientRequest */
  ////Get client request
  if (!client) {
  request = "";
  // Wait until the client sends some data
  while (!client.available()) {

  request = client.readStringUntil('\r'); // Read the first line of the request

void handleRequest( ) { /* function handleRequest */
  ////Handle web client request
  if (request.indexOf("/dig2on") > 0) {
    digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
  if (request.indexOf("/dig2off") > 0) {
    digitalWrite(2, LOW);
  if (request.indexOf("GET") >= 0) {


void webpage(WiFiClient client) { /* function webpage */
  ////Send webpage to client

  //output HTML data header
  client.println(F("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\nContent-Type: text/html\nConnection: close\nRefresh: 5
  client.println(F("<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><title>AranaCorp</title></head><body bgcolor='black' style='color:white;'>"));
  client.println(F("<h1 style='color:green;'>AranaCorp - Arduino Web Controller</h1>"));
  client.println("<p style='color:white;'>Page refresh number: " + String(refreshCounter) + "</p>");
  client.println(F("<h2 style='color:limegreen;'>Arduino Inputs</h2>"));
  //output analog input pin
  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    client.println("<b>Input A" + String(i) + " : </b>" + String(analogRead(14 + i)) + "<br>");
  //digital output
  client.println("<h2 style='color:limegreen;'>Arduino Outputs</h2>");
  client.println("<b>Digital output Pin 2 : </b><input value=" + String(digitalRead(2)) + " readonly></input>");
  client.println(F("<a href='/dig2on'><button>Turn On </button></a><a href='/dig2off'><button>Turn Off </button></a>"));

  //file end


When the code is downloaded to the microcontroller, open the serial monitor to find out the IP address.

You can then enter this IP address in your internet browser so that the web page is displayed.



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