Using a WiFi Shield with Arduino

Using a WiFi Shield with Arduino

The WiFi Shield allows the Arduino card to connect to the internet via a wireless LAN. It integrates an SD card reader that allows to store data or a web page to drive the Arduino.The basis for creating connected objects is to connect them to a network such as the...
Using a 16×2 LCD Shield with Arduino

Using a 16×2 LCD Shield with Arduino

One of the most widely used information display elements in the Arduino world is the 16×2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). When manufacturing an electronic system, it can be interesting to have it give us some information about its status without having to connect...
Using a PIR sensor with Arduino

Using a PIR sensor with Arduino

It is possible to activate a system, such as an alarm, by detecting the presence of a person using a PIR motion sensor. In home automation, it is common practice to operate devices when a person enters a room. This is made possible by motion sensors such as the...
Using a Buzzer with Arduino

Using a Buzzer with Arduino

It is possible to emit sounds using a microcontroller by connecting a buzzer to one of its outputs. When you want to create a user interface, it is nice to have feedback according to the actions performed, whether it is a display, a light that lights up or changes...
Using a WS2812B LED ribbon with Arduino

Using a WS2812B LED ribbon with Arduino

LED ribbons are made up of a succession of addressable RGB LEDs, i.e. the brightness and colour of each LED can be set independently. There are several ribbon models: single colour, non-addressable, 5 or 12V, etc. Pay attention to the model you want to use. Hardware...
Create a Capacitive Sensor with Arduino

Create a Capacitive Sensor with Arduino

Capacitive sensors are commonly used in particular for object detection. They can, for example, detect the passage of an object on a conveyor belt or the level of a liquid in a tank. Closer to home, capacitive sensors are used in touch screens or as switches. In this...
Using a NRF24L01 module with Arduino

Using a NRF24L01 module with Arduino

The radio module NRF24L01 is a transceiver for establishing a connection and transferring data from one device to another via radio waves. Hardware ComputerArduino UNO x2USB cable A Male to B MaleNRF24L01 x2 Principle of operation The nRF24l01 module is a low-power...
Implementation of the moving average in Arduino

Implementation of the moving average in Arduino

An analogue sensor sends a voltage level, usually between 0 and 5V, representing a physical value. This voltage can be subject to measurement noise (electronic interference, electromagnetic interference, measurement accuracy, etc.). In some applications, you will need...
Implementation of the debouncing logic on Arduino

Implementation of the debouncing logic on Arduino

Anti-bounce or debouncing logic prevents the detection of parasitic changes of state of a sensor. When using sensors returning discrete states, such as a push button, it can happen, for mechanical or other reasons, that changes of state are detected that do not...