Communication between two ESP8266 with ESP-NOW

Communication between two ESP8266 with ESP-NOW

, In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to set up two ESP8266s for communication using the ESP-NOW protocol. The ESP8266 is a development board integrating Bluetooth and WiFi. It can therefore connect and exchange data with devices connected to the same network....
Using a HC-12 module with Arduino

Using a HC-12 module with Arduino

Le module HC-12 permet la communication sans-fil semi-duplex entre deux appareils via les fréquences radio. Il travaille sur la mêmes plages de fréquences que le module RF433 mais permet d’atteindre des distances de communication beaucoup plus importante (<1km). De...
Using a RF433MHz module with Arduino

Using a RF433MHz module with Arduino

The radio frequency 433MHz (RF433MHz) is widely used in the field of radio transmissions for remote control or data transmission. It can be found in remote controls or home automation. Material Computer Arduino UNO USB A Male Cable Reed Switch (ILS) Principle of...
Configure an ESP8266 as a Wi-Fi Access Point

Configure an ESP8266 as a Wi-Fi Access Point

The esp8266 microcontroller can be configured as an access point (AP) and generate its own wifi network with ssid and password. This method is useful when you do not have access to a wifi network or if you want to work on a network specific to the microcontroller....
Communication between two ESP8266s via UDP

Communication between two ESP8266s via UDP

The NodeMCU ESP8266 is a small microcontroller with a Wifi chip. It is possible to establish a communication between two ESP8266, when they use the same network. In this tutorial, we will see an architecture with two NodeMCUs that will exchange data via the UDP...