A quick look at the switch instruction in C

A quick look at the switch instruction in C

The switch..case instruction is a conditional structure that executes different instruction blocks depending on the value of a variable. This instruction is equivalent to nested if instructions. Syntax of the switch instruction The switch instruction takes an integer...
Summary on instruction while in C

Summary on instruction while in C

The while instruction is the conditional structure that allows you to create a loop on a condition. It is found in all programming languages. It is used to execute a block of code in a loop as long as a condition is fulfilled. Syntax of the while instruction The...
Summary on the instruction for in C

Summary on the instruction for in C

The for instruction allows code blocks to be repeated. It is the first step towards more efficient and readable code. Syntax of the instruction for The for instruction takes, as input, a counter whose increment and end condition is defined. It is often used in...
Using an OLED Display with Arduino

Using an OLED Display with Arduino

The OLED display is a compact graphic display with a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels that allows you to draw and display text to create a graphical interface. Hardware ComputerArduino UNOUSB A Male to B Male CableOLED TF052 Principle of operation The OLED display TF052...
Using a Joystick with Arduino

Using a Joystick with Arduino

The joystick is a position sensor which returns two analogue values representing its X,Y position. It can be used as an interface to navigate a menu or to control an object in direction or speed. It is commonly found on joysticks for video games, model making remote...