Programming an ESP32 NodeMCU with the Arduino IDE

Programming an ESP32 NodeMCU with the Arduino IDE

ESP32 NodeMCUs are more and more used to make connected objects thanks to their embedded Wifi and Bluetooth links and their computing power. We will see how to use the Arduino IDE to program a NodeMCU. The way to configure the Arduino IDE is similar between these...
Control 8 relays using ESP32 and serial monitor

Control 8 relays using ESP32 and serial monitor

In this tutorial we will see how to address each relay individually with a NodeMCU32S microcontroller and 74HC595 shift registers. At the end of this tutorial you will also be able to control each relay using the serial monitor. This tutorial follows on from the...
Controlling 8 relays with ESP32 and shift register

Controlling 8 relays with ESP32 and shift register

In this series of tutorials, we will see how to drive a multitude of relays with a NodeMCU32S microcontroller and 74HC595 shift registers. We will then see how to address each relay individually. Finally, we will create a web interface to control each relay via the...
Programming an ESP32 NodeMCU with the Arduino IDE

Create a web interface to control your NodeMCU ESP32

The NodeMCU ESP32 is a microcontroller with integrated Wifi and Bluetooth modules. Very easy to use, it is lightweight and has a memory and computing capacity greater than that of the Arduino. This makes it an ideal board for learning programming, developing connected...