Programming Arduino with Visual Studio Code

Programming Arduino with Visual Studio Code

We’re going to look at how to program an Arduino board using Visual Studio Code, a nice alternative to the Arduino IDE. Programming on the Arduino is generally started using the official IDE. It can be interesting to change code editors to gain access to a wider...
A quick look at the C pointer

A quick look at the C pointer

, The C language pointer is a very powerful tool for carrying out certain tasks. It’s a concept you need to grasp if you want to improve your C skills. Some algorithms will be more complicated or even impossible to write without the use of pointers. Introduction...
Using an AC dimmer with ESP32

Using an AC dimmer with ESP32

In home automation, it is interesting to be able to manipulate alternating current in order to control different electrical appliances such as lamps or fans. The AC voltage dimmer is a module allowing to vary the power of an alternating current. It has the same use as...
Using an AC Dimmer with ESP8266

Using an AC Dimmer with ESP8266

The AC voltage variator is a module that allows to vary the power of an alternating current. It has the same use as a transistor in direct current. It can be used to vary the brightness of a lamp supplied with 220V or to vary the speed of a fan, for example. We will...
Using an RFID module with an ESP8266

Using an RFID module with an ESP8266

The RC522 RFID module is a smart card reader which, among other things, allows to activate a mechanism when the right card is presented to the reader. In this tutorial, we will see the management of an RC522 RFID module with a NodeMCU ESP8266 card. Prerequisite:...