Using a Nextion display with Arduino

Using a Nextion display with Arduino

The Nextion screen is one of the best solutions for creating a graphical interface to drive your Arduino project. The best-known interface for interacting with an Arduino is the LCD screen with a few buttons and potentiometers, at the cost of I/O and Arduino code...
Programming Arduino with Visual Studio Code

Programming Arduino with Visual Studio Code

We’re going to look at how to program an Arduino board using Visual Studio Code, a nice alternative to the Arduino IDE. Programming on the Arduino is generally started using the official IDE. It can be interesting to change code editors to gain access to a wider...
Using a DRV8825 stepper motor controller

Using a DRV8825 stepper motor controller

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to drive a bipolar stepper motor using a DRV8825 driver. This tutorial is compatible with stepper motor drivers commonly used in digital milling or 3D printer projects (DRV8825, SilentStepStick, etc.). Hardware Arduino UNO...
Using an A4988 stepper motor driver

Using an A4988 stepper motor driver

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to drive a bipolar stepper motor using an A4988 driver. This tutorial is compatible with stepper motor drivers commonly used in digital milling or 3D printer projects (DRV8825, SilentStepStick, etc.). Hardware Arduino UNO...
Measurement filters with Arduino

Measurement filters with Arduino

In electronics, when working with electrical signals such as sensor measurements or audio signals, it is common practice to use filters. These filters are used to modify these signals with a view to correcting, analyzing or evaluating them correctly. This is known as...