Using a multiplexer with Arduino

Using a multiplexer with Arduino

The multiplexer is an integrated circuit made up of logic circuits allowing several signals to be concentrated on the same output (mutiplexing or mux) or to connect an input to one of its N outputs (demultiplexing or demux). In this tutorial, we will see the use of...
Using a shift register with Arduino

Using a shift register with Arduino

The shift register is an integrated circuit consisting of logic circuits in series that can store high or low states. It can be used to drive LEDs or to retrieve the state of several sensors. Hardware ComputerArduino UNOUSB cable A Male to B MaleShift Register 74HC595...
Using EEPROM with Arduino

Using EEPROM with Arduino

The EEPROM is an internal memory of the microcontroller which allows data to be stored after the card is restarted. When working with microcontrollers, it is useful to store data in the memory, especially when the card is switched off, whether intentionally or...
Using an OLED Display with Arduino

Using an OLED Display with Arduino

The OLED display is a compact graphic display with a resolution of 128 x 64 pixels that allows you to draw and display text to create a graphical interface. Hardware ComputerArduino UNOUSB A Male to B Male CableOLED TF052 Principle of operation The OLED display TF052...
Develop a serial monitor with Python

Develop a serial monitor with Python

When developing a project with Arduino, Raspberry Pi or any microcontroller you will certainly have to create a graphical interface like, a serial monitor, for the management of the system (debugging, observing measurements, launching actions, etc.). There are a lot...