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Draw curves on your Web App with Chart.js

It’s possible to plot curves in real time on a web app using Chart.js. When you create a web app, you’re bound to want to display data. The Chart.js library integrates with your html files and JavaScript scripts to plot data from sensors, files or databases.

To test the library, you can create a web app using Flask.

Implementing Chart.js

To use the Chart.js library in your html file, simply call the script at the following url

<script src=""></script>

Chart.js is a Javascript library for drawing interactive curves on an HTML page. Implementation is similar for all curves.

	<div width="60%">
		<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>
  const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart');

The schematic type is defined by “type: ‘bar'”, the names displayed on the axis are defined in the data.labels structure (here, apple, banana, etc.) and finally the ordinates are defined in the structure (here, 12, 19, etc.).

 new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'bar',
    data: {
      labels: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Ananas', 'Kiwi', 'Pear'],
      datasets: [{
        label: '# of Fruits',
        data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
        borderWidth: 1
    options: {
      scales: {
        y: {
          beginAtZero: true

There are a number of charts you can play with. To use them, simply replace the “type” variable in the Chart function.

bar’, ‘line’, ‘doughnut’, ‘pie’, ‘polarArea’, ‘radar’, ‘bubble’, ‘scatter’.

N.B.: bubble and scatter use numerical data and additional information.

Drawing a histogram

Here’s a complete example of how to plot a histogram,

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>

	<link rel="stylesheet" href='../static/style.css'/>

	<div width="60%">
		<canvas id="myChart"></canvas>

	Chart.defaults.backgroundColor = '#9BD0F5';
	Chart.defaults.borderColor = '#555555';
	Chart.defaults.color = '#FFFFFF';	
  const ctx = document.getElementById('myChart');
  new Chart(ctx, {
    type: 'bar',
    data: {
      labels: ['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Ananas', 'Kiwi', 'Pear'],
      datasets: [{
        label: '# of Fruits',
        data: [12, 19, 3, 5, 2, 3],
        borderWidth: 1
    options: {
      scales: {
        y: {
          beginAtZero: true

Draw a line

        <div width="60%">
		<canvas id="myLine"></canvas>
	Chart.defaults.backgroundColor = '#9BD0F5';
	Chart.defaults.borderColor = '#555555';
	Chart.defaults.color = '#FFFFFF';	
  const cvs = document.getElementById('myLine');
  const labels = [2018,2019,2020,2021,2022,2023]
  const datas=[1560, 2310, 1700.20, 2500, 998, 100];
  new Chart(cvs, {
    type: 'line', //
    data: {
      labels: labels,
      datasets: [{
        label: '€ Expenses',
        data: datas,
        borderWidth: 1,
		fill: false,
		borderColor: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
		backgroundColor: 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
		tension: 0.5
    options: {
      scales: {
        y: {
          beginAtZero: true

With these examples, you can do quite a lot to display beautiful graphics on your web pages. I’m now going to show you two advanced functions you may find useful:

Bonus: plot curves from a CSV file

To import a cs file, we use the d3 library

<script src=""></script>

This library will enable us to import the values contained in the inventory.csv file in the form of a table, with the column names in the first line.


Then, in the makeChart function, we can call variables using (category or value)

      var category = {return d.category;});
      var value = {return d.value;});
// CSV chart
 function makeChart(data) {
      var category = {return d.category;});
      var value = {return d.value;});
	var canvas=new Chart(document.getElementById("myCanvas"), {
          type: 'bar', //'line', //'bar', //
          data: {
            labels: category,
            datasets: [
                label: "Category (units)",
                backgroundColor: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"],
                data: value
          options: {
			responsive: true,
			scaleFontColor: "#FFFFFF",
            legend: { display: false },
            title: {
              display: true,
              text: 'Inventory 2023'

Bonus: Perform an action on a click event

To be able to execute a function when a part of the chart is clicked, we need to define a listen function. These functions already exist in Chart.js. We just need to know where to modify them.

In the options, we’ll modify the function to be executed when the graph is clicked.

          options: {
		events: ['mousemove', 'click'], //select event handled
		onClick: (e) =&gt; {
            const canvasPosition = Chart.helpers.getRelativePosition(e, canvas);

            // Substitute the appropriate scale IDs
            const dataX = canvas.scales.x.getValueForPixel(canvasPosition.x);
            const dataY =canvas.scales.y.getValueForPixel(canvasPosition.y);
            console.log([dataX],' -&gt; ',[0].data[dataX]);
            alert([dataX] +' -&gt; '+[0].data[dataX])       

In this example, we’ll retrieve the label and value of the selected zone and display them in an alert window.

// Bar chart
 function makeChart(data) {
      var category = {return d.category;});
      var value = {return d.value;});
	var canvas=new Chart(document.getElementById("myCanvas"), {
          type: 'bar', //'line', //'bar', //
          data: {
            labels: category,
            datasets: [
                label: "Category (units)",
                backgroundColor: ["#3e95cd", "#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"],
                data: value
          options: {
		events: ['mousemove', 'click'], //select event handled
		onClick: (e) => {
            const canvasPosition = Chart.helpers.getRelativePosition(e, canvas);

            // Substitute the appropriate scale IDs
            const dataX = canvas.scales.x.getValueForPixel(canvasPosition.x);
            const dataY =canvas.scales.y.getValueForPixel(canvasPosition.y);
            console.log([dataX],' -> ',[0].data[dataX]);
            alert([dataX] +' -> '+[0].data[dataX])       
			responsive: true,
			scaleFontColor: "#FFFFFF",
            legend: { display: false },
            title: {
              display: true,
              text: 'Inventory 2023'


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