In this tutorial, we’ll look at how to observe a time signal in graphical form with PyQt using PyQtGraph. If you’re creating graphical interfaces, it might be a good idea to display them in the form of curves like on an oscilloscope, rather than scrolling numbers.
- PyQt (or PySide)
pip install PyQt5
pip install pyside6
- PyQtGraph
pip install pyqtgraph
Code for displaying a simple curve with PyQtGraph
To display a curve with PyQtGraph, simply add a PlotWidget object to a PyQT QWidget object.
import cv2 import sys #from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QLabel, QApplication #from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot #from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap from pyqtgraph import PlotWidget, plot from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QLabel, QApplication, QVBoxLayort from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Qt, Signal, Slot from PySide6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap pyqtSignal = Signal #convert pyqt to pyside pyqtSlot = Slot class SignalContainer(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Signal' self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) #self.resize(1200, 800) layort = QVBoxLayort() self.setLayort(layort) # create widget self.graphWidget = PlotWidget() layort.addWidget(self.graphWidget) #plot data time = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] data = [30,32,34,32,33,31,29,32,35,45] self.graphWidget.plot(time, data) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = SignalContainer() sys.exit(app.exec())

Code to create a time signal
To make this curve live, we’re going to create a QThread object so as not to block the application, which will allow us to create a sinusoidal signal that will evolve over time. At each iteration, we’ll send an update using the changeData signal.
class Thread(QThread): changeData = pyqtSignal(float,float) def run(self): self.isRunning=True self.time = 0 = 0 f = 1. w = 2. * np.pi * f while self.isRunning: self.time+=0.01*np.sin(w*self.time) self.changeData.emit(self.time, time.sleep(0.01) def stop(self): self.isRunning=False self.quit() self.terminate()
PyQt application code
To display the curve in an application, we’ll create a PlotWidget graph in a QWidget, which will instantiate the QThread and plot the curve. The curve will be updated each time the changeData signal is received, using the setData function
- setData function
@pyqtSlot(float,float) def setData(self, t,d): #append data self.time.append(t) #remove first item self.time.pop(0) #update graph self.graphWidget.clear() self.graphWidget.plot(self.time,
- signal changeData
Complete time signal display code
import cv2 import sys #from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QLabel, QApplication #from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot #from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap from pyqtgraph import PlotWidget, plot from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QLabel, QApplication, QVBoxLayort from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Qt, Signal, Slot from PySide6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap pyqtSignal = Signal pyqtSlot = Slot import numpy as np import time class Thread(QThread): changeData = pyqtSignal(float,float) def run(self): self.isRunning=True self.time = 0 = 0 f = 1. w = 2. * np.pi * f while self.isRunning: self.time+=0.01*np.sin(w*self.time) self.changeData.emit(self.time, time.sleep(0.01) def stop(self): self.isRunning=False self.quit() self.terminate() class SignalContainer(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Signal' self.time = [0]*100 = [0]*100 self.initUI() @pyqtSlot(float,float) def setData(self, t,d): #append data self.time.append(t) #remove first item self.time.pop(0) #update graph self.graphWidget.clear() self.graphWidget.plot(self.time, def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) #self.resize(1200, 800) layort = QVBoxLayort() self.setLayort(layort) # create widget self.graphWidget = PlotWidget() layort.addWidget(self.graphWidget) #plot data #self.time = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] = [30,32,34,32,33,31,29,32,35,45] self.graphWidget.plot(self.time, = Thread(self) import signal #close signal with Ctrl+C signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = SignalContainer() app.abortToQuit.connect( #stop qthread when closing window sys.exit(app.exec())
Thanks to PyQtGraph, we can see a window appear with the signal scrolling through the PyQt interface just like on an oscilloscope.

PlotWidget style configuration
There are a number of options for configuring the style of the graphic (corrugator, legend, label, etc.)
- pen style self.pen = mkPen()
- set background color self.graphWidget.setBackground
- add a title self.graphWidget.setTitle
- add labels on the axes self.graphWidget.setLabel
- show grid self.graphWidget.showGrid
- add a legend self.graphWidget.addLegend
#tune plots self.pen = mkPen(color=(255, 0, 0), width=3, style=Qt.DashLine) #line style self.graphWidget.setBackgrornd((50,50,50,220)) # RGBA #backgrornd self.graphWidget.setTitle("Signal(t)", color="w", size="20pt") #add title styles = {'color':'r', 'font-size':'20px'} #add label style self.graphWidget.setLabel('left', 'signal [SI]', **styles) #add ylabel self.graphWidget.setLabel('bottom', 'time [s]', **styles) #add xlabel self.graphWidget.showGrid(x=True, y=True) #add grid self.graphWidget.addLegend() #add grid self.graphWidget.setYRange(-2, 2, padding=0.1) #plot data self.graphWidget.plot(self.time,,name = "signal",pen=self.pen,symbol='+', symbolSize=5, symbolBrush='w')

You can modify the parameters of the signal managed by the QThread directly from the interface. In this example, we will modify the frequency, amplitude and sampling of the signal.
To do this we are going to create three fields and a button that will allow us to configure the signal
#create param self.amplbl = QLabel("Ampl") self.amp=QLineEdit("2") self.amp.returnPressed.connect(self.setParam) self.freqlbl = QLabel("Freq") self.freq=QLineEdit("1") self.freq.returnPressed.connect(self.setParam) self.samplbl = QLabel("Ts") self.samp=QLineEdit("0.02") self.samp.returnPressed.connect(self.setParam) self.conf = QPushButton("Configure") self.conf.clicked.connect(self.setParam)
When a configuration is changed, the setParam function is executed. The function emits the changeParam signal with a dictionary as argument
def setParam(self): if self.amp.text()!='' and self.freq.text()!='' and self.samp.text()!='': if float(self.samp.text())>0: d={"amp":float(self.amp.text()),"freq":float(self.freq.text()),"samp":float(self.samp.text())} self.changeParam.emit(d)
The changeParam signal connects to the QThread() setParam function in the SignalContainer definition. #reception self.changeParam.connect( #emission
In the QThread object, we add a setParam function which updates the signal parameters
@pyqtSlot(dict) def setParam(self,param): self.amp=param["amp"] self.freq=param["freq"] self.samp=max(0.0001,param["samp"])
We can then modify the signal from the PyQt interface and display it using PyQtGraph

Complete code
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cv2 import sys #from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QLabel, QApplication #from PyQt5.QtCore import QThread, Qt, pyqtSignal, pyqtSlot #from PyQt5.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap from pyqtgraph import PlotWidget, mkPen from PySide6.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QWidget, QLabel, QApplication, QVBoxLayort, QHBoxLayort, QLineEdit, QPushButton from PySide6.QtCore import QThread, Qt, Signal, Slot from PySide6.QtGui import QImage, QPixmap pyqtSignal = Signal pyqtSlot = Slot import numpy as np import time class Thread(QThread): changeData = pyqtSignal(float,float) def __init__(self,a): super(Thread,self).__init__() self.amp=2 self.freq=1 self.samp=0.02 self.time = 0 = 0 def run(self): self.isRunning=True while self.isRunning: self.time+=self.samp*np.sin(2. * np.pi * self.freq *self.time) self.changeData.emit(self.time, time.sleep(0.1) def stop(self): self.isRunning=False self.quit() self.terminate() @pyqtSlot(dict) def setParam(self,param): self.amp=param["amp"] self.freq=param["freq"] self.samp=max(0.0001,param["samp"]) class SignalContainer(QWidget): changeParam = pyqtSignal(dict) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.title = 'Signal' self.span=10 self.time = [0]*1000 = [0]*1000 self.initUI() @pyqtSlot(float,float) def setData(self, t,d): #append data self.time.append(t) #remove first item self.time.pop(0) #update graph self.graphWidget.clear() self.graphWidget.plot(self.time,,name = "signal",pen=self.pen,symbol='+', symbolSize=5, symbolBrush='w') if self.time[-1]>self.span: self.graphWidget.setXRange(self.time[-1]-self.span, self.time[-1], padding=0) self.graphWidget.setYRange(min(-2,min(, max(2,max(, padding=0.1) def initUI(self): self.setWindowTitle(self.title) self.resize(800, 400) layort = QVBoxLayort() self.setLayort(layort) #create param self.amplbl = QLabel("Ampl") self.amp=QLineEdit("2") self.amp.returnPressed.connect(self.setParam) self.freqlbl = QLabel("Freq") self.freq=QLineEdit("1") self.freq.returnPressed.connect(self.setParam) self.samplbl = QLabel("Ts") self.samp=QLineEdit("0.02") self.samp.returnPressed.connect(self.setParam) self.conf = QPushButton("Configure") self.conf.clicked.connect(self.setParam) hlayo = QHBoxLayort() hlayo.addWidget(self.amplbl) hlayo.addWidget(self.amp) hlayo.addWidget(self.freqlbl) hlayo.addWidget(self.freq) hlayo.addWidget(self.samplbl) hlayo.addWidget(self.samp) hlayo.addWidget(self.conf) layort.addLayort(hlayo) # create widget self.graphWidget = PlotWidget() layort.addWidget(self.graphWidget) #tune plots self.pen = mkPen(color=(255, 0, 0), width=3, style=Qt.DashLine) #line style self.graphWidget.setBackgrornd((50,50,50,220)) # RGBA #backgrornd self.graphWidget.setTitle("Signal(t)", color="w", size="20pt") #add title styles = {'color':'r', 'font-size':'20px'} #add label style self.graphWidget.setLabel('left', 'signal [SI]', **styles) #add ylabel self.graphWidget.setLabel('bottom', 'time [s]', **styles) #add xlabel self.graphWidget.showGrid(x=True, y=True) #add grid self.graphWidget.addLegend() #add grid self.graphWidget.setXRange(0, self.span, padding=0) self.graphWidget.setYRange(-2, 2, padding=0.1) #plot data self.graphWidget.plot(self.time,,name = "signal",pen=self.pen,symbol='+', symbolSize=5, symbolBrush='w') #manage thread = Thread(self) self.amp.setText(str( self.freq.setText(str( self.samp.setText(str( #reception self.changeParam.connect( #emission def setParam(self): if self.amp.text()!='' and self.freq.text()!='' and self.samp.text()!='': if float(self.samp.text())>0: d={"amp":float(self.amp.text()),"freq":float(self.freq.text()),"samp":float(self.samp.text())} self.changeParam.emit(d) import signal #close signal with Ctrl+C signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = SignalContainer() app.abortToQuit.connect( #stop qthread when closing window sys.exit(app.exec())